Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Latest Report!


Despite the cold weather starting to kick in, the trout are still up in the water and the fishing is still good. Buzzers are still coming off the water and the trout are still smashing the fry.
Best trout recently reported was a 7lb brownie which was caught by Mark Stow from Ulverston. Mark was Pike fishing and accidently hooked the Trout on a Pike lure. The fish was taken from the car park area of the lake from a boat.
Novice angler Dave Almond from Wigan fished spinner from the boats and landed a brace of rainbows to 3lb.
Meanwhile also fishing from the boats was Stuart Carruth from Glasgow. Stuart employed a cormorant fly on an intermediate line to catch and safely release 3 Brown Trout to 1lb 8oz.
Hawkshead Angling Club member Dave Bell has had a couple of productive bank sessions fishing legered worm. Dave landed 2 rainbows and 4 brownies to 2lb+.
Bob Walker and Andy Dawson from  Leeds fished from the boats with spinners and caught and released two quality Brown Trout. Unfortunately neither fish was weighed and both were released to fight another day! (see attached photos )

Both bank and boat anglers are reporting some quality fish. Hawkshead Angling Club member Tim Carswell fished static deadbait from the bank and landed an 8lb and a 16lb Pike respectively!
Geoff Birtwistle from Bury fished from the boats and landed a cracking 19lb 8oz beauty on static deadbait. Meanwhile Big s club member John Ashurst from Wigan caught an 18lb, 20lb 8oz a 21lb and a 22lb Pike. All fish were caught from the boat on static deadbaits and lures.
Mark Billington from Sedbergh employed David Coleman on a guided Pike fishing trip and landed a mint 25lb predator on static mackerel deadbait. Mark also lost another big fish at the net to complete another successful trip out on Esthwaite Water. (see attached photo ).
One of the largest Pike to be caught on rod and line in the UK was reported to fisheries staff last week. Jeff Dandy from Barrow in Furness was fishing from the boats with his mate and landed a huge 46lb 1oz Pike, on static Roach deadbait. Unfortunately the pair could not give a picture as they didn’t have a camera with them. Fisheries staff have checked Jeff’s set of digital scales and they were found to be accurate.
On the coarse fishing front venue regular Martin Winward from Barrow in Furness fished maggot on the tip and reported a nice bag of Roach, tipping the scales at 27lb!
For up to the minute information please telephone the ticket office on 015394 36541 or find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M


Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Latest Report!

Well what can I say, despite the tricky fishing for the trout lately there has been some truly quality back end sport reported. Our long standing Brown Trout record of 10lb 13oz has been obliterated by Paul Little with a  fantastic fish of 12lb 7oz. Paul caught and safely released this fin perfect fish while boat fishing with a Heddon Lucky 13 lure. Well done Paul, this fish couldn’t of fallen to a better angler. (see attached photo).
Hawkshead Angling club member Dave Margerson bank fished the top end of the lake and recorded Brown Trout of 3lb 8oz and 9lb respectively on spinner. Both fish were released safely. Meanwhile Dave Smith from Milton Keynes fished from the boats and reported a Brown Trout of 10lb exactly, which fell to a Savagear spinnerbait. Again the fish was safely released. (see attached picture).
Visiting angler Graham Howarth from the U.S.A landed a brace of brownies while employing a mepps spinner from the boats. Grahams best fish was 1lb 8oz.
Fly angler Geoff Wilkinson from Hertfordshire took 4 brownies from the boats to 2lb +. A combination of minkies and daddies did the damage for Geoff on a floating line.
Adrian Trumper from Lincoln took 3 brownies to 1lb 8oz on floating line and nymph combination.
Meanwhile 11 year old Sebastian Corry from Chester fished spinner from the bank and took a fantastic 7lb Brown Trout , that again was safely released. Well done Seb’, that’s something to tell your mates when you return to school. (see attached photo)
The well fed Pike which reside in this venue have been tough to catch recently, however for those that have persevered there have been some crackers reported.
First up Big s club member Chris Harris fished 2 days from the boats, employing deadbaits and lures and recorded fish of 21lb and 20lb, plus 12 doubles to 18lb and 2 jacks.
H.A.C member Tim Carswell fished from the banking up the North end of the lake and took a plump 16lb 12oz specimen on static deadbait.
Meanwhile Ryan Burrow from Windermere took a 22lb specimen on static sardine from the car park banking.
Richard Walsh from Stockport hired the assistance of one of the Esthwaite guides to land a personal best 19lb 8oz beauty, again on static sardine from the boats.
Also Steve Greenhalgh from Wigan boat fished and took a nice brace of double figure Pike of 13 and 14lb respectively, again on similar deadbait tactics.
Fish of the season so far at 32lb fell to Gavin Dickson from nearby Burton in Kendal. He cast his lure from the boats and had a very big fish follow to the side. The fish turned and instantly took his static herring deadbait. Well done Gavin , that’s a fish of a lifetime, and a personal best. Who knows what this fish will weigh in March! (see attached photo).
Don’t forget our general coarse fishing season starts on the 1st November and runs until the end of February. This gives anglers a crack at the untapped silver fish potential of the lake. Tickets are £10 per day and anglers can use 2 rods and maggots. Last winter 20-30lb bags of fish were not uncommon. Please telephone the ticket office on 015394 36541 for further details. Also you can find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M


Friday, 12 October 2012

Latest Report


The trout fishing continues to be good for the time of year and despite the heavy rain that we have experienced lately, the water clarity is excellent. As the water cools throughout the autumn oxygen levels will gradually rise again and prospects for the next few weeks look very good indeed – weather permitting of course. The trout are rising freely for tiny buzzer, however matching the hatch is almost an impossibility. There are a few sedges coming off the lake, so best target rising fish with a sedge pattern, daddy long legs or hopper. However the favourite and most successful tactic has been to find the fish and employ fry patterns on an intermediate line for best results.
One angler that did just that was Will Pollard from Cheshire. Will fished from the boats and landed 3 nice Brown Trout.
Andy Bailey from Fleetwood also fished from the boats and landed a brace of brownies on spinner. Also fishing the spinner, season ticket holder Joe Reynolds from Barrow in Furness landed 3 brownies from the boat jetty.
Meanwhile Charles Davis from Dorset also took 3 browns from the boat jetty on a small rubber fry imitation.
Kevin Totterdell from Manchester fished worm from the boats and landed 2 rainbows and 2 browns to 3lb+.
Martin Frood from Frodsham took advantage of the fry feeding frenzy. He employed spinner and landed 3 brownies, the best a cracker of 6lb (see attached photo).

The Pike season started here last week and reports have been flooding in! Big s club member Ian Spence from Barnard Castle caught a jack of about 7lb and on his last cast took an immaculate 21 pounder. Both fish were taken on static Herring deadbait. (see attached photo)
Another Big s club member Reece Nicholson from Carlisle also used static Herring and landed a 16 pounder from the bank opposite the ticket office.
Meanwhile John Stapleton from Penrith fished a variety of lures from the boats to take 6 Pike in total, 3 jacks and 3 doubles to 19lb 8oz – Good angling!
Hawkshead Angling Club member Tim Carswell from Cockermouth has landed a number of Pike from the banking, all on static deadbait. Tim’s top 2 fish weighed 21lb 13oz and 24lb 7oz respectively (see attached photo).
Also Big s club member John Ashurst from Wigan lure fished from the boats and had a number of Pike up to 19lb+.
The prospects over the forthcoming weeks for the Pike fishing looks excellent. As the trout stocks thin out the Pike fishing will get better and better.
To keep in touch with the fishing on a daily basis please follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M


Friday, 28 September 2012

Latest Report!


The fishing over the last couple of weeks has been challenging and the weather again very unsettled, however despite this when conditions have been right there have been some great sport reported from both boat and bank. The weather really has been all over the place and generally cold for the time of year. This has inhibited fly hatches, however there are still a few buzzers and sedges coming off the water, but surface sport is at a minimum throughout when these conditions prevail. The fry bashing however is in full swing and sinking lines and fry patterns rule with floating fry, cats whisker, zonkers and sparklers all accounting for good numbers of fish!
Peter Stone from Nottingham fished white fritz lures on an intermediate line from the boats to take 3 Brown Trout to 2lb+. Meanwhile John Macdonald from Glasgow fished minkies on a Di-3 line again from the boats to take 7 fish to 3lb+.
Peter Burgess from Kent fished a good old cats whisker on a floating line and boated a superb 5lb Brown Trout, which was his only fish of the session – but what a cracker it was.
John Sparks from Darlington followed the diving Grebes and found hectic sport up in the Swimming Pool, as the trout were hacking into fry, he employed spinner and landed 4 nice rainbows to 4lb+.
Bill Smith from Rochdale fished from the boats yesterday and landed 5 trout to 2lb on Dawson’s Olive.
Any method anglers are also doing well. Chris Jacobson from Liverpool took 4 Brown Trout. Two on worm and two on spinner from the boats.
Meanwhile Hawkshead Angling Club member Dave Bell landed two brownies from the ticket office banking. One on spinner and one on worm.
Prospects for the forthcoming weeks looks excellent. The water has cooled now and fish are back on the top and even though hatches of flies have tailed off abit the fish are present near to the surface and given the right conditions top of the water action should be good with sedge and buzzer patterns. If no fish are showing due to restricted hatches then fry patterns on a slow sink line will score well!
For up to date information please telephone the ticket office on 015394 36541 or follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Don’t forget our Pike fishing season starts on 1st October and  we anticipate a busy start, so don’t forget if you require a boat for the day, please telephone the ticket office in advance, especially on a weekend!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Latest Report!


The unsettled weather that we have experienced lately is disrupting the fishing some what, however despite this fact there has been some good sport at times, especially from the boats, as the fish do there late summer disappearing act, into deeper water. Fishing from the boats has been far more productive than the bank fishing as anglers afloat have far more access to the deeper stretches of the lake. The most productive areas have been the cages area and strickland bay in the south basin and the weather buoys, grubhole and the area in front of the boathouse stretch in the north basin. Hatches of sedges and buzzer, as well as damsels have provided a window of opportunity in the evenings for the top of the water anglers. However during the daytime most of the fish have stayed deep and gorged themselves on daphnia. When conditions have been right the fish have been up in the water and hitting the fry with gusto. Advice to anglers is to go out, in a boat if you can and assess the conditions on the day of your visit. Autumn is approaching and the bulk of the fish will be back up in the water before long. If you are planning a visit soon and are not accustomed to boat fishing then try the boathouse stretch on the eastern bank or grubhole if you are flyfishing , to experience the best results!
One angler that latched into some fry feeding Brown Trout was England Youth ace John Macintosh, who fished from the boats and took his limit bag of brownies, the best fish tipping the scales at a satisfying 6lb+. All John’s fish were taken on a Di-5 sweep line in conjunction with humungus fry patterns!
Also fishing the same tactics and flies from the boats was Steven Jones from St Ives. Steve fished around the weather buoys and took 2 brownies and a rainbow to complete a successful session.
Meanwhile another fly angler, Peter Ashurst from Peterborough fished a damsel from the boats to record a nice brace of Brown Trout to 7lb+.
Best tactic of late however is worm fished deep and there has been any number of fish caught and reported to this method. Indeed Todd Marsh from Stratford on Avon fished worm 20 feet down in the middle of the north basin to record 6 rainbows and 2 brownies to 2lb+.
Daniel Pearce aged 14 from St Helens also employed this tactic and took a nice brace of rainbows, again by fishing deep at 20 feet down from the boats.
Visiting anglers from Italy Sandro Iafrancesco and Pier Marino experienced a hectic session fishing worm from the boats. The pair landed 3 rainbows and 3 browns to 2lb+, fishing only 7 feet down.
There have been one or two fish out to spinning tactics, not suprising with the number of fry there are in the lake at present. Charles Williams from Chester took a fine brace of Brown Trout to 2lb+.
As we head into September, prospects will significantly improve and the fish should come to the surface in numbers as the water cools. For up to date information please telephone on 015394 36541 , alternately please follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Latest Report!


There has been a marked improvement in the fishing recently with anglers reporting good sport from both boat and bank, although the boats have been experiencing the best of the sport. Reports of good sport are also coming from anglers using all methods employed including worm and spinning tactics, as well as fly fishing. The fry feeding is well under way and as water temperatures are not as high as they normally are at this time of year, they are getting a pounding from the trout in the shallow areas of the lake. Hatches of buzzers are still good and sedges as well as damsels are featuring heavily on the trout’s menu. There are still fish out in the deeper water marks around where the cages used to be and the weather buoys up in the north basin and these fish have favoured the nutrient rich daphnia to feed upon. The best fishing is still to be had first thing in the mornings and the evenings have fished the best, over recent days!
Best recent sport was experienced by Hawkshead Angling Club member Shaun Whitaker from Peterborough who fished 2 days from the boats and employed various fry patterns on a floating line, including cats whisker, jack frost and appetisers to take 22 rainbows and browns. The majority of Shaun’s fish where taken from strickland bay, the weather buoys and the wooded section in front of the boathouse on the eastern bank.
Another fly angler who has been doing well is season ticket angler Jim Miller from Keswick. Jim has taken 18 trout in 3 visits to the fishery, all from the boats and all on a combination of fry patterns and nymphs fished on intermediate and slow sink lines.
Another season rod that had a good session last week was Bill Shortall from Southport. Bill took 5 trout from the boats on a combination of worm and spinning tactics.
Phillip Woods from Liverpool caught the best recent fish of 6lb 11oz, which was a rainbow fishing 25 feet down with worm around the weather buoys from a boat and was Phillips only fish of the day!
            Meanwhile Jamie Burns from London fished spinner from the boat to take 4 nice trout to 3lb+, again from the boats. Bob Brennan from Oldham also employed spinner and took a nice brace of trout, also from the boats.
Best areas from the bank include the point opposite the ticket office, the boathouse stretch on the eastern shore and the grubhole.
Prospects for the forthcoming weeks looks very good, as the water starts to cool and the fry feeding becomes more intense, fish will congregate nearer the surface and the fishing should remain good well into the autumn!
For up to the minute information please contact the fishery on 015394 36541. Also you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Latest Report


The challenging fishing continues here at Esthwaite Water with anglers struggling to find any consistency. There is a myriad of natural food in lake at this time of year and this is not helping when it comes to fly or bait choice or which areas are more productive than others. Stockie bay is surprisingly still holding fish, however the lack of warm weather has ensured water temperatures are fairly low for the time of year, however the fish are being taken in no more than 6-8 feet, whereas the weather buoys are starting to fish more consistently which is expected and some fish are feeding down at 12-15 feet and are hard on the daphnia. The fish are also hacking into the coarse fish fry and there is any amount of surface activity in the mornings and evening as fish take advantage of the buzzer and sedge hatches. Hatches of damsels are also commonplace at present!
One angler that fished an evening session with dry beetle patterns, encountered the fish in an obliging mood was England Youth member Jon Macintosh from nearby Hawkshead. Jon fished in Stockie bay from the boats and was rewarded with 5 rainbows to 2lb+.
Season ticket angler Jim Miller has also been employing fly tactics from the boats and has taken 13 trout in 4 visits, mainly on a combination of fry patterns and general nymph patterns, fished on an intermediate line set up.
Richard Maddox fished fly and spinner from the boats and landed 3 Brown Trout from the boats.
Any method anglers are experiencing the bulk of the action at present and reports are coming in from both boat and bank. Indeed Pat Newman from Wigan fished the area next to the ticket office and landed 3 rainbows to 2lb+ on worm!
Meanwhile out in the boats Alistair Mcharrie from London took 7 browns and rainbows on spinner! Shaun Peacock from Preston also experienced similar sport, taking 8 trout to 2lb on spinner from the boats. Also Byron Timmer from Gloucestershire also took 3 trout on similar tactics!
Heat 6 of the Esthwaite Water Pairs Competition took place last weekend and the qualifying pairs for this years final was Graeme Bell and Jim Tuck who won the heat , followed closely in second place by Jason and Richard Ruff. Both pairs now go through to the final, to be held on Sunday 9th September!

Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The recent fishing on Esthwaite has once again been challenging, however despite this fact, a number of good catches have been reported from both boat and bank and also on a variety of methods! The fly life and hatches on the lake have been prolific as you would expect for this time of year and this years coarse fish fry have been high on the menu too, however a brief algal bloom last week has encouraged the daphnia to replicate and this usually keeps the fish off the surface and provides the usual head scratching as anglers seek the deeper water and the tricky exercise of finding the feeding depth of the fish. One place that has been consistent with the poor weather that we have experienced this season, is Stockie Bay and The Car Park area of the lake and fish are still feeding on buzzer, sedges and damsels that are coming off the lake. Even these fish have been abit twitchy and a careful approach and the right fly choice have been critical to experience consistent sport!
The West Midlands Police fished from the boats last week and the majority of anglers caught good numbers of fish, however pick of the bunch was seasoned angler Steve Owen who fished a damsel on a floating line to take a dozen fish over the two days to 7lb 5oz  (see attached photo ).
Meanwhile visiting angler Gerben Hulskens from Holland took 5 rainbows to 2lb+ fishing general nymph patterns on an intermediate line.
Season ticket angler Richard Maddox took 3 Brown Trout and 2 rainbows over 2 visits on a combination of spinner and fly. Jim Miller has had 7 fish over 2 visits on cats whisker and damsels and John Gardner has taken 7 in 1 visit.
Any method anglers have been getting in on the action too as Alistair Mcharrie from London proved with 7 trout all taken on spinner from the boats. Meanwhile Shaun Peacock from Preston has taken 8 trout, again on spinner from the boats.
Best recent fish was taken by Season ticket angler Simon Walsh from Wigan. Simon fished worm in Stockie bay and was only out fishing for 1 hour when he hooked into a lump of a rainbow at 12lb 9oz ( see attached photo ).
Heat 5 of the Esthwaite Open Pairs competition was contested last weekend with 10 anglers (5 pairs) weighing in 29 trout for a total weight of 32lb 4oz. In second place Graham Barton and Mick Taylor weighed in 10 trout for 9lb 7oz and in first place Mike Laycock and John Henshall who weighed in 12 trout for a total weight of 13lb 12oz. Both pairs now go through to the final on Sunday September 9th. Well done to both pairs!
The last heat of this years pairs competition takes place on Saturday 14th July. Anyone who wishes to enter should contact the fishery as soon as, to book their place!
Also on Saturday the 14th July we have the last discounted tuition day of 2012. There are still places left for the day and remember this is a 4 hour fly fishing tuition session costs just £10 each. All participants need to bring with them is a current EA licence and a brimmed hat and glasses for protection. Please contact the ticket office on 015394 36541 to reserve your place.
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Thursday, 21 June 2012


The fishing at Esthwaite Water has been challenging of late, with a myriad of fly life coming off the water the fish have been spoilt for choice. The damsels and dragon flies are now hatching with regular abundance. The alders and olives are still coming off the water, along with big buzzer and sedge hatches. To cap all this there has been good numbers of hawthorn flies, daddy long legs and beetles getting blown onto the water and the coarse fish fry which are now already an inch or so long have been featuring heavily in the trout’s diet. Morning and late evenings have been the best times to be out on the water and for the thinking angler who takes consideration to match the hatch have been encountering the best sport!
One such angler and Hawkshead Angling club member Eddie Edmundson from Kendal fished from the boats one evening with floating line and claret buzzers, took 8 rainbows to 2lb+ from Stockie Bay. H.A.C Secretary Dave Armstrong also landed a cracking 5lb rainbow from the boats. Dave took his only fish of the day on a home tied lure fished on a floating line. (see attached picture)
Meanwhile Peregrine Team Esthwaite member Jon Turner also fished an evening session from the boats and landed 6 rainbows to 2lb on floating line and invicta patterns!
Pete Welbourne also fished from the boats and landed 4 rainbows to 2lb 4oz on floating line and hares ear combinations.
Best recent fish was another cracking lump of a rainbow at 12lb taken by visiting angler John Morgan Parker from Crewe. John fished a white lure on a sinking line from the boats to record 7 fish in total.
The season rods are also finding the fishing challenging , however Mr consistent John Gardner from Morecambe has taken 11 browns and rainbows over 3 visits to the fishery, fishing from the boats and using a combination of fly and worm tactics. Jim Miller from Keswick has taken 8 trout in 2 visits and Richard Maddox from Barrow has taken 5 fish in 2 visits.
Any method anglers are also getting in on the action from both boat and bank with Wayne Egan  from Lincolnshire taking 7 browns and rainbows to 2lb on spinner from the boats!
Heat 4 of the Esthwaite Water 2012 Open Pairs Competition was contested last weekend and 8 anglers landed 17 fish for a total weight of 21lb 4oz. In second place Jon Turner and Stuart Hall weighed in 5 fish for 6lb 3oz and in first place Andrew Jones and Dave Mordew weighed in 7 fish for a total weight of 8lb 15oz. Both pairs now qualify for the grand final on Septemeber 9th. Well done to both teams! The next heat of the competition will take place on Saturday 30th June. Anyone wishing to enter this popular competition should contact the fishery to book your place.
Also to be held on Saturday 30th June the next discounted tuition will take place and once again please contact the fishery if you would like to book in. The cost for the session is only £10 and the session itself will be conducted between 10am and 2pm. Participants are reminded to bring with them a hat and a pair of sunglasses, however all tackle is supplied!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.FM

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


The hot weather has slowed sport some what, however there has been some outstanding catches reported nevertheless with successful anglers fishing early mornings and evenings for the most consistent sport. Fly life has been phenomenal with big hatches of buzzer, alders, olives and damsels. There have also been good falls of hawthorn and daddy log legs which have kept fish feeding high in the water and anglers have found that the imitative approach has been the most successful.
Before the start of the hot weather England Youth star Carl Malpass and boat partner seasoned veteran Tom Nelson, both from Consett in Co Durham lost count of the numbers of fish they had to the boat fishing buzzers on a floating line set up. Carl took the best fish of the day and what a fish it was too, a 9lb 12oz beauty (see attached photo ).
Also fishing imitative patterns Malcolm Robson from Morecambe, a Hawkshead Angling Club member took 5 rainbows from the boats on static nymph tactics fishing on a floating line!
Meanwhile visiting anglers from North Wales, John and Rhian Robinson who boat fished the venue and employed buzzers and sedges on floating lines took a total of 62 rainbows and browns over 3 days!
Also doing well with the imitative approach John Morgan Parker fished buzzers on a washing line set up to record 28 trout while fishing from the boats.
The season ticket anglers have also done well with Richard Maddox latching into 23 fish, John Gardner landed 18 trout and Jim Miller 17 trout to the boat fishing cats whiskers and damsels! Also Joe Reynolds employed worm and spinning tactics to take12 trout over 2 visits fishing again from the boats.
Tony Price from Wasdale fished fry patterns on a sinking line from the boats and took his limit bag of 4 fish to 3lb+. Meanwhile Anthony Hutchinson fished small black flies, just under the surface and was rewarded with 3 cracking rainbows fishing from the banking.

Just 6oz separated the top three anglers in the inaugural Esthwaite Water Individual Competition 2012 which was contested recently. This all new boat/fly competition which is open to all fly anglers saw 23 anglers weigh in 87 trout for 127lb 5oz.

The contestants fished from 10am until 5pm and had to retain the top 6 fish with no time bonus system in place. In third place Andy Campbell weighed in 6 trout for 10lb 3oz. In second place Graeme Bell weighed in 6 trout for 10lb 8oz and in first place Andrew Jones weighed in 6 trout for 10lb 9oz and was crowned Esthwaite Individual champion for 2012.

The next discounted tuition day is to be held on Saturday 16th June, anyone wishing to book in for this event should contact the fishery ticket office to book in. The cost of this not to be missed event is only £10 and all that participants need with them is a hat and pair of sunglasses and a current EA licence!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Thursday, 17 May 2012


The cold northerly weather systems have been with us for weeks now and although it has been unpleasant on the lake some days, the water temperature has remained constant and the fishing as a result has been fantastic. Hatches of buzzers, alders, olives and sedges have been prolific, especially on warmer days and the fish have been up in the water and very obliging. Imitative techniques have reigned supreme of late and damsels fished on an intermediate line as well as buzzers and nymphs fished on floaters have been the most successful approach.
Indeed two anglers that have reaped the rewards of employing these methods were Peregrine Team Esthwaite members Adam Larbelestier and Ben Bayliss who boat fished the venue and took 22 fish to 6lb 8oz. Hot patterns for the duo were general nymph patterns, damsels, dabblers and bumbles.
The season ticket anglers are also doing well. Bill Shortall from Southport fished beetle imitation dries on a floating line and over 2 visits took 14 fish from the boats. Bill’s best fish was a grown on 6lb Brown Trout. Richard Maddox from Barrow in Furness took 21 fish on damsels and cats whisker’s,over 2 visits, again from the boats. Meanwhile Jim Miller from Keswick took 14 brown’s and rainbows over 2 visits, from the boats on a combination of damsels, cats whiskers and diawl bachs. Also John Gardner took 8 fish from the boats on an intermediate line and an olive cats whisker.
Any method anglers have also been getting in on the great sport experienced of late. David Pennington from Blackpool bank fished with worm in Stockie bay and took a cracking  rainbow of 12lb 14oz (see attached photo of Lisa, his daughter).
Meanwhile David Wareing from Wigan bank fished the car park and took another lump of 12lb 4oz on legered sweetcorn (see attached photo).
Hawkshead Angling club members Wendy and Dave Telford have also been encountering great sport from the banking, fishing legered and float fished worm and have landed good numbers of fish, with the best fish falling to Dave’s rod at 7lb 8oz. Wendy’s best fish tipped the scales at 6lb!
Heat 3 of the Esthwaite Water Open Pairs Competition 2012 was contested last week with 14 anglers weighing in 66 trout for a total weight of 90lb 4oz, including time bonuses. In second place England Youth members John Macintosh and James Atkinson  weighed in 12 fish for 18lb 1oz, including time bonus and in first place England senior members Alistair Beaumont and Dave Morris weighed in 12 fish for 19lb 13oz, including time bonuses. Both pairs now go through to the final in September. For those that want to fish the next heat which takes place on Saturday 16th June, please contact the fishery for more details!
Also there is a new individual boat, fly fishing competition taking place this weekend, Sunday 20th May. The competition will be fished to Esthwaite Water competition rules. It is a friendly event and there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs. Please contact the fishery A.S.A.P for further details as we still have a few boats available!
Also our next discounted tuition day will take place on Saturday 26th May. If you fancy learning to fly fish then this is an opportunity not to be missed. The session start at 10am and finishes at 2pm. The cost is £10 per person. All you need is a current EA licence and a brimmed hat and sunglasses for protection!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Despite the continuous unsettled weather patterns from the North East, keeping the temperatures down, the fishery has been on top form once again and the imitative fishing has been superb with fish very much up in the water. Although hatches have been restricted good numbers of buzzer, olives and alders have been coming off the water keeping the fish near the surface and feeding with gusto!
Being regular visitors to the fishery the season ticket rods have been having a ball. Over 3 visits Richard Maddox from Barrow in Furness has landed 41 trout on fly from the boats. Richard opted to fish an intermediate line and damsels to take his huge haul of fish, which was topped by his personal best rainbow of 11lb 12oz (see attached photo).
Jim Miller, another season rod from nearby Keswick has taken 28 trout over 3 visits on similar tactics. Meanwhile John Gardner from Morecambe has caught 24 trout over 2 visits. John also employed an intermediate with cats whisker and damsel combos’.
Also doing well on the fly Stephen Emerson and Tony Averill from Kelso landed 20+ rainbows and browns fishing buzzer and Montana on a floating line from the boats.
John Battersby from Freckleton fished from the boats and landed 8 trout to 2lb+ on the fly. Meanwhile Bob Swann fished dabblers on a fast glass intermediate and took 12 rainbows.
Hawkshead Angling Club member Thomas Morris from Whithaven fished a washing line set up on a floating line with a midge tip and took 16 rainbows to 2lb 8oz. Buzzer was the killing pattern fished from the boats!
Any method anglers are also doing well from the boats and the bank and Matt Hunt aged 9 from Warrington took a fabulous rainbow of 12lb 10oz from the South basin on spinner, while fishing with his dad Dave, well done son! (see attached photo)
Heat 2 of the 2012 Esthwaite Water Trout Fishery Open Pairs competition was contested last weekend and qualifying for the final was the top 2 pairs. In second place Barry Brookes and Paul Bland weighed in 12 trout for 16lb including time bonus. Meanwhile in first place Ernie Craster and Peter Crowe weighed in 12 trout for 16lb 5oz, in what was to prove a very close heat indeed. The next heat of this great competition will take place on Saturday 12th May. Please contact the fishery to book your place!
The Esthwaite Water 2012 Tackle Shop Challenge match was contested last week. Six tackle shops from the North West area competed in this light hearted competition and the winners once again for the second year running were The Northwest Angling Centre in Wigan. Proprietor Dave Hunt and angling partner Scott Graham weighed in a brace of fish weighing 8lb 10oz. Well done to those two, obviously an effective partnership!
Anyone wishing to fish the Esthwaite Water Individual Competition to be contested on Sunday 20th May should contact the fishery immediately for registration. This new boat fly competition will be a friendly individuals competition and will be fished to Esthwaite Water competition rules. There are some great prizes up for grabs in what promises to be a fantastic new loch style comp’. Entry fee is £32.50 per person and boat allocation will take place on the day. Anyone is welcome!
The next discounted tuition day will take place on Sunday 13th May, there are still places left for this event, so please contact the fishery A.S.A.P if you would like to learn to fly fish or just brush up on your existing technique and the cost is £10 per person!
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Latest Report!


The fishing over the Easter period has been little short of spectacular, with some impressive catch returns submitted. Throughout the warmer weather there have been some fantastic hatches of buzzers, olives and alders and top of the water fishing was spectacular at times, however during periods of cooler weather, associated with the April showers and cooler winds, nymphing and lure tactics have been the favoured tactics to adopt!
Season ticket holder Jim Miller from Keswick has been on top form taking 42 fish over 4 visits to the fishery. Jim has taken the majority of his fish on slow sinking lines and cats whisker/ blob and diawl bach combos, fished from the boats. Another season rod that has doing well is John Gardner from nearby Morecambe. John employed cats whisker and damsel patterns and has caught 18 fish in 2 visits, again fishing from the boats. Whereas Richard Maddox has taken 29 trout over 2 visits on fly and spinning tactics.
Over the Easter break, its not just been about the quantity of fish reported, but the quality in some cases has been phenomenal. Indeed Ian Bentley from Ribchester bank fished in Stockie bay and latched into an absolute monster of a rainbow at 13lb, caught on spinning tactics. (see attached photo). Also Lee Gallagher from Windermere also fished in the same area, but from a boat and took 8 trout in total. Lee’s best fish was an 11lb rainbow and a cracking fish also. Lee landed his fish on spinners too.(see attached photo).
John Johnstone from Surrey took the place apart on his latest visit. Fishing from the boats with mainly Damsels and Cats whiskers in conjunction with slow sinking lines John recorded 121 rainbows and browns to 3lb+ over a 10 day period!
Meanwhile England Youth squad member John Macintosh fished the washing line tactic with a booby on the point and a variety of nymphs and buzzers to record 6 rainbows from the boats in the South basin.
Bob Swann from County Durham visited the fishery last week and had 14 rainbows to the boat by employing an intermediate line and dabblers. Bob also took a 15lb Pike which gave him the run around on fly tackle.
Emile Fraczek from Grasmere fished spinner to take a fabulous 7lb 9oz trout from the boats. The fish was returned safely to the water!
The Easter period has seen the kids back on the bank in numbers and plenty of smiling faces with the good fishing that has been experienced lately. The Smith family from Cheshire had a day to remember, landing 12 trout on float fished worm. Oscar, Joe and Eugene all got in on the action to round off a day to remember!
Don’t forget there are still places left for this weekends Open Pairs competition, heat 2 on Saturday April 21st. If you are wishing to fish the competition please get in touch A.S.A.P to reserve your boat!
Also the next discounted tuition day will take place on Saturday 28th April. Participants will need an EA licence and a brimmed hat and a pair of sunglasses. These courses are not to be missed and only cost £10 for a full 4 hours fly fishing tuition. The course starts at 10 am and finish at 2 pm. Please contact us on 015394 36541 or email trout@hawkshead.demon.co.uk.
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M

Friday, 30 March 2012

Latest Report!


The fantastic sport that has been experienced throughout March continues and with the warm weather for the time of year, the buzzer hatches have been immense. Rising fish has been commonplace, even in bright sunlight and overcast days have been electric for top of the water and emerger fishing. The nymph fishing has also been good, especially on days when a cool wind is blowing and there are little signs of surface activity.
Best areas include Weather Bay, Swimming Pool and the boathouse stretch in the North basin. Whereas the ticket office frontage, Strickland bay and 4 tree bay have been the hot spots in the South basin.
The superb catch returns continue to flood in. Ian Singleton and Bill Ethrington  from Barrow had a superb day in Weather Bay from the boats, taking 11 rainbows and 1 Brown Trout, all on the fly!
Season ticket holder Richard Maddox took 4 rainbows and 2 browns all on fly from the boats in the North basin. Meanwhile John Gardner took 4 rainbows on similar tactics.
Venue regular Jim Miller from Keswick fished cats whisker and Montana nymphs to record 6 rainbows to 3lb 3oz from the boats and on a subsequent visit Jim took a 4lb 8oz over wintered rainbow to similar tactics (see attached picture).
Peregrine Team Esthwaite member Adam Larbeleistier experienced a superb practice session on the lake. Fishing from a boat and employing the washing line tactics in conjunction with nymphs and buzzers fished just sub surface, Adam recorded 20+ fish!
Meanwhile Malcolm Robson a HAC member from Morecambe fished cats whisker on a slow sink line to record 10 rainbows in 2 visits to the fishery, again fishing from the boats!
The Troutmasters fish off at Esthwaite Water was won by Mike Laycock who weighed in 6 trout for a total weight of 14lb 12 oz and in second place England Youth squad member John Macintosh weighed in 6 fish for 12lb 4oz. Mike now gets to represent the fishery at the Trout Masters final to be held on Grafham Water in May. Good luck Mike, give ‘em hell!
Also the annual Chaplow’s fun match was contested last week and the day was full of the usual leg pulling and general camaraderie. The winner of the match was Phil Hawkins who weighed in his 3 trout for 5lb 5oz. In second place Ryan Morris weighed in 3 trout for 4lb 13oz and in third place Arthur Laughton weighed in 3 trout for 3lb 11oz.
The warm weather has slowed the Pike fishing some what as they get ready for spawning, however resident Esthwaite guide Alex Barton took a fine conditioned 26 pounder which fell to a lure in the car park area of the lake ( see attached picture ).
Also another guided trip ended in Mrs Jane Shirley from Bedfordshire who took a fine brace of Pike with Esthwaite guide Dave Coleman. Jane landed a 16 pounder on a lure and followed this up with a mint 23 pounder on deadbait to finish off.
The Pike season here on Esthwaite is closed after the end of March and will resume on October 1st. Anyone interested in fishing the venue for the 2012/13 winter season should contact the fishery on 015394 36541 or email us at trout@hawkshead.demon.co.uk.
Best Regards
David Coleman M.I.F.M